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We are the leading manufacturer of filtration and separation equipment, which is widely used in such areas as: drinking, industrial and sewage water treatment, food industry (sugar, starch, beverages production), pulp and paper industry (purification of paper stock fibers).

The development and implementation of slit grating tech is our innovative approach to filtration and separation technologies.

Nowadays we continue to develop new products based on slit gratings which are used for:

  • separation of liquid and solid particles
  • screening and classification
  • processes of pressing and drying
  • capturing particles (sand, tar, activated carbon)
Modular filtration systems
100% ready for use
Automatic backwash filter
For high & low viscosity liquids.
Filtering station for emergency (temporary) water intake
Quick & autonomous water supply.
Oil products filtration and dehydration unit
Filtration & water removal (including emulsified water).
Regenerable spring filter
For high & low viscosity liquids.
Sintered stainless steel microporous filter elements
Clear area surface up to 40%, fineness approx. 0.5 – 200 µm.
Dynamic gas filter separator
Cleans industrial gas emissions from dust.
Filtration hoods
Main element of the drainage switchgear
Collectors and distributors
For the optimal collection and distribution of gas or liquid
Tar traps
Captures mechanical impurities
Support grids
Retain reacting medium
Cartridges and filtering elements
Various types of filtering elements & cartriges
Equipment for malt-houses and breweries
Slit grates and filters for breweries
Bulk cartridges
Various bulk cartridges for brewing products cleaning
Gratings for static dehydration filters
Various filter gratings for static separation
RVDF drums
Internal/external & external/internal types
Water intake filters
For purifing of large volumes of water